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John JarvisThis an a-mail that the previous website manager received from Martin Royle.
Following a short trawl for WC 16 info via Google I came across your site & though I appreciate that there will be more interest in the Winkle brig, I thought you may like to keep me on file if any info is needed on the Westcoast 16 as I built the first production boat (WC No2) `Sarah’ for myself alongside Bill Winter in his Boat shed in Lymm, Cheshire in 1981 approx.
As you know the West coast 16 hull mould was later sold to Eric (next door in Lymm at that time, approx. 1984) & he remodelled it into the more financially successful Winkle brig. I lost touch with Eric when he retired to Trevor, N.W. but am still in contact with Bill & also current owners of Sarah (WC2) & Shadow (WC3)
I designed the rigs for the Westcoast 16 (gaff & gunter) & advised Eric on the rig for the Winkle brig & the later day boat derivative.
Does anyone have information about Eric, he was an inspiration, always laughing & joking with a funny story to pass on. All his equipment was covered in glass & he basically built boats with an angle grinder, glue gun, screw driver & very little else, though his band saw was used a lot I now recall. When still in Lymm, we shared brew up times & when they made the tea quite often it ended up being served in jam jars as his mugs had all been glassed over!
I have copied in Chris Lewis & Tony Fooks for information (owners of Sarah & Shadow) both boats are kept near Falmouth. For myself, after selling Sarah I bought & rebuilt a 1947 Int Dragon with Bill, before buying & rebuilding a 1912 Blackpool & Fleetwood 22’ Jewel class Gaff Cutter called Diamond for myself. The larger boats all had to go in 92 after house buying, but I acquired a 1954 Int 12’ dinghy which I kept to restore, that was completed last Season, so I now sail Fubbs here in Cheshire happy with her 100+ year design.