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Nick JonesI received this fascinating email from John Hattersley in Dec 2008, which I think explains the mystery about Puffin. If any one would like to contact John or his father, please contact me and I will give you his email or telephone number.
Hi Julian, When I was about 15 /16 my father bought a hull from someone in Cheshire, raised the gunnel with some marine ply, built a low cabin and had a sail designed to his spec. It was called Catherine Louise I think, (my sister), and my parents went all over the place with it. He wrote an article for PBO and gave the sail plans and his drawings of the raised gunnel and cabin to the designer of the hull, who I believe to have been Eric Bergqvist.
I felt his old boat may now be Nick Jones's Puffin so sent I him the link. He is a little excited to to say the least see what he is certain is his old boat. I found it on your site because as I approach my own retirement I would love a Winkle Brig, in fact I was looking for the 'original' never expecting to find it but just being 'daft'.
My father would love to talk to someone about it. Do you have contact details for Nick Jones? Would you or any of your members be interested in his story? The original article? He is called Albert Hattersley, lives near Sheffield and would be delighted to share his story. His email is (ask me: Julian Swindell) He would probably prefer a phone call to be honest but do press him to write a little piece for you site if you think it relevant. He is 80 in February, sailing a canoe now and I am very proud of him. His number is (ask me again)
Best Wishes on your journeys, John Hattersley