Winkle Brig

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Use of the Site

The information contained in this website is provided by the owners of the boats or by access to published information (the Owners) in good faith for general information purposes only. Neither the Owners nor the administrators of this website (the Administrators) accept any liability for omissions, errors or mistakes that occur in publication or are provided by external sources or in external websites which have links from this website. External links are provided for your convenience to provide further information and do not signify any endorsement of the website(s). We have no responsibility for the content of the linked website(s).

The views expressed on the website will not necessarily coincide with those of the Administrators or the Owners, however they will be included (subject to the considerations below) in the interests of free speech.

All items submitted for publication will be subject to moderation by the Administrators. They cannot guarantee a turnaround time for approval of content but will make every effort to either publish the submitted articles (with or without editing) or refer back to the contributor as soon as reasonably possible after submission.

The Administrators will consider anonymous items only where the author has supplied their full name and contact details to them.

The Administrators will not accept for publication:

Inappropriate information; or

Anything political, libellous, defamatory, pornographic, racist, sexist, abusive, harassing or threatening, or generally offensive or illegal; or

Any copyright material unless permission for its use has been received.

The opinion of the Administrators is final.

The Administrators will regularly remove content that is no longer timely or relevant from the site.


1. Privacy

Names and email addresses of contributors will only be used for the administration of the website and Association and will not be given or sold or given in exchange to, a third party.

2. Data Protection/General Data Protection Regulatons

The Association and the Administrators will administer the website in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulatons. In doing so they agree:

They must obtain data from individuals fairly and lawfully and be open and honest about why it is required

They must hold data only for specific and lawful purposes and not process it in any manner incompatible with those purposes.

Data must be relevant, adequate and not excessive for those purposes and this should be monitored.

Data must be accurate and where necessary kept up to date.

Data must not be kept longer than necessary. There should be a system for removing different categories of information after certain periods, e.g. when it is no longer required for audit purposes.

Data should be processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects. This means that individuals must be informed on request of all information held about them.

Security precautions must be in place to prevent the loss, destruction or unauthorised disclosure of the data.

Data must not be transferred outside the EEC (the UK after Brexit) unless the country can provide adequate security for it.

3. Copyright

Information set out in websites is considered to be published and therefore qualifies for copyright protection. It is not considered to be in the public domain simply because it was posted on the Internet and therefore free for anyone to download and copy. You may not publish any material, including photographs, from this site without the permission of the Administrators.

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